Clean tools require clean air.
Our commitment to innovative, customized solutions includes making sure that the air in your EFEM meets the highest possible standard of particle reduction in the most efficient way possible.
Pentagon Technologies designs and builds small, customized units for every type of environment. We begin by consulting with each client to determine their needs and understand their issues. Our team will create an initial design that meets your environment and airflow management specifications. Once we have specified the configuration, airflow, size and standards required by the process and environment, we begin the process of engineering and testing your fan filter. Only after your filter unit meets or exceeds these specifications will it be installed in your cleanroom.
- Our units can reach 99.99995% efficiency at .12µ mpps. No existing filter surpasses this level.
- Our fan filter units can meet the new ISO 14644-1 standard for a Class 1 cleanroom – no more than 10 particles at 0.1µ per cubic meter.
- Airflow must be correct for particle control and pressurization. Our filter units maintain the optimum balance of both by using adjustable dampers to monitor airflow velocity.
- You have options for a number of adjustment capabilities, including speed, ionization, and the number of blowers in your unit. Any specification can be addressed in the design of your filter – from fan capacity to failure alarms, remote operation, service requirements and noise level.
- Several filter options are available – borosilicate fiber, low boron and no boron (PTFE) filters.
- We work in every kind of material – steel, plastic, aluminum – and can produce units any size, based on your needs.
- We can design and add chemical filtration that is customized for your fab environment.
- Pentagon Technologies requires filter and blower accessibility in every design.
- We can provide units that meet any specification, including tight space restrictions or unique power requirements.